Monday, September 30, 2013

photo Manipulation and Ethics

people all over the world are getting fired and loosing their creditability  because they are manipulating the photo so they can get a better reaction like the brian walski , in Los Angles , lebanese photographer Adnan hajj , Issam Kobeisi  .

this type of photograph is unethical  because your are lying thought your photos , your changing your view and lying  to the people in the world who see it .

this photo is bad to the viewers out in the world because its recriminating because your telling a lie to other and putting a bad impression to the people on that photo . this shows that the man is pointing the gun at the person with the kid and looking at him which is a bad thing to do if your a soldier because your aiming your gun at him. this is bad because your distraction the protection of your country.
in this photo of the married couple it shows two different photo of the woman's teeth witch is really not that bad this photos is unethical  because it really isn't that bad because its not criminalizing anybody its just covering those bad teeth . so this photo isn't bad because it doesn't show that anybody is getting hurt or anybody is feting blamed . all its shows is a happy couple .

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