tip one
The problem that I saw when I looked through my viewfinder was that I didn't have anything to focus on aside from the items in the far distance. This of course would make for a perfectly blurry photo of me, which isn't at all what I wanted.
tip 2
Environment, sometimes environment can inspire the image. For instance one night of January was extremely foggy.
tip 3
Two items make a photo, the subject and backdrop, and I think that they are equally important. This is where your lens choice comes into play. A long lens allows you to send the back ground out of focus and narrow down the amount of background in the photo. A wide lens keeps the background in focus and allows it to be a key part of the image. Either way the background is playing a big factor by being a key element or by not distracting from the subject.
reminds me of how that not everything in the world is not bad